Do you know Akita dog? It is originated in our hometown, Akita which has lots of nature and delicious food, sake, etc.
Here are some recommended sightseeing spots in Akita that have opportunities to interact with cute animals! We hope you will choose Akita as one of your holiday destinations!
【Central area of Akita, Japan】
*Cat café “Yuzu-no-ie (Home of Yuzu)” in Yuri-honjo City, Akita, Japan
If you are traveling Tohoku (the northern Japan) and looking for a place to have fun, “Yuzu-no-ie” is the right one where you can spend a “cat time” with friendly and kawaii cats! Come on, cat lovers!

* “Tsuchida Bokujo (Ranch)” in Nikaho City, Akita, Japan
On sunny days, it’s fun to walk around a ranch interacting with a variety of animals there! This is not only a ranch but a kind of petting zoo, so visitors can see horses, cows, rabbits, dogs, etc. There are cute animal pictures on the official website, too!
During the day trip, I recommend you to try delicious products as cheese toast, yoghurts, milk made in Tsuchida Bokujo!

*Pet shelter for cats and dogs ”Wannyapia Akita” in Akita City, Akita, Japan
Although this place is not for sightseeing, I would like you to know about it. It’s a pet shelter for cats and dogs. Wannyapia Akita helps to find new owners for them. Love and peace!

【Northern area of Akita, Japan】
* ”Akita Dog Visitor Center” in Odate City, Akita, Japan
Have you ever seen Hachiko movie? In the movie, an Akita dog was named “Hachi” and lived its life with loyalty to the owner until its death. Visitors can learn about Akita dog in multilingual instruction (written and audio guidance) at the museum.

* ”Kuma Kuma Bear Park” in Kitaakita City, Akita, Japan
As one of your holiday destinations, how about coming to this Kuma Kuma Bear Park? You can notice that bears are such funny animals! Some bears look lazy, the others wave their hands to get treats… Enjoy watching these cute bears!

So, have you decided where to go? We hope you will have a wonderful trip to Akita, Japan!
Written by Naomi in Ugo
*As of May, 2020.